Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Guild Wars Nightfall trailer
1st In-Game Cinematic
(vid via jayfresh)
Going to the Joystiq well again, they covered the new Guild Wars Nightfall trailer. "With Nightfall's pre-release bonus pack just one month away, NCsoft and ArenaNet have released a trailer for the next Guild Wars campaign. The video includes sweeping panoramas of the African-themed landscape where Nightfall takes place, as well as battle footage featuring the new paragon and dervish professions." I actually saw this first on Evil Avatar, but I did'nt check it out, big mistake the footage is amazing. I was going to download it from the link Evil Avatar provided, but decided to check the usual suspects first, boom there it was, and now it's here, embedding rocks!
CrispAds Blog Ads(vid via jayfresh)
Going to the Joystiq well again, they covered the new Guild Wars Nightfall trailer. "With Nightfall's pre-release bonus pack just one month away, NCsoft and ArenaNet have released a trailer for the next Guild Wars campaign. The video includes sweeping panoramas of the African-themed landscape where Nightfall takes place, as well as battle footage featuring the new paragon and dervish professions." I actually saw this first on Evil Avatar, but I did'nt check it out, big mistake the footage is amazing. I was going to download it from the link Evil Avatar provided, but decided to check the usual suspects first, boom there it was, and now it's here, embedding rocks!