Monday, October 09, 2006
Game Break Presents; How to Model a PSP
(vid via ottyhotties) (submitted to digg by Shayer)
First off, this is the best PSP video EVER!!! It's been on YouTube(or is it GooTube now?)for months, I'm sure some of you may have seen this but I haven't. So that's why it's here.
The PSP has never looked hotter, what am I doing a video like this speaks for itself, so I'll stop talking, I'm not talking now, I've stop talking, Walter? Yes? OUCH!!! Why did you do that? Because, this is what you get... this is what you get... this is what you get when you mess with, with, oh sorry for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself, but I'm feeling much better now.
[Radiohead Karma Police Lyrics]