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Friday, September 29, 2006

It's Final Fantasy Friday!

Couple of sweet videos to feast our eyes on, first up a "New" Final Fantasy XII Trailer, I'll explain the " " below;

(vid via EldonPaul2)

Next up is a bit of pulse pounding eye bulging senses tingling Final Fantasy XII Trailer;

(vid via Doelli)

The " " around new means that according to Gamespot this is new, but I noticed that during TGS 06 videos would show up as "New" but I had already seen them.

I wasn't the first to notice this, sit back 'cause it's story time. You see I contribute to a real high quality blog, it's on the right there under Game Break Friends, don't ask me how it happened but I was asked if I would be interested and I replied immediately that I would.

Ok so a little while back during TGS 06 I see a "New" Gears of War trailer, I hadn't seen it before so I posted it along with a link to Cliffy B's 1up blog, where he wrote; I'm not going to sit here and promise that Gears has "it." But I can assure you that we're shooting for "it." I stated that in my opinion GOW had "it".

One of my co-authors was first to comment, that it was a good video but not exactly new, I had already checked and double checked, but based on that comment I checked one more place, there it was and had been for over a year.

I immediately deleted the post, which is why I put " " around new. What? Yeah a checked a couple of places to see if there were any new Final Fantasy XII trailers, none new or old that match that first video, but the " " stay.

Now how about that second video? Sweeeet, huh? What blog am I contributing to? Guess. : )

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