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Thursday, August 31, 2006

EXCLUSIVE: Just Cause dev diary 2


(vid via doublespy)

Avalanche does more talkin' about Just Cause, good, details I must have details. I must play this game, I want to try out that parachute, and I want do battle dictators , I want too... sorry. Got a little too excited, hey can you blame me, the game looks great.

I like the fact that I have to choose sides, and depending on who I ally with and when, I can incite island factions against one another, sounds cool to me. Reminds me of "A Fistful of Dollars". One island two bosses and me right in the middle; crazy bell ringer was right, man could get rich in a town like this... I mean island, heh heh.

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Hey love the blog!

I switched from blogging to squidoo, don't know if you tried it yet but I think it is a little easier.

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Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Well hope you like and I'll stop by again.
Heya there,
Dark City sounds like a good scare. Heh. Thanks for the update. Will spread the word.
Hey, you have nailed quite a few points in your story. By the way, have you used squidoo yet? I've been trying it out over there.

Here are some references:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Review
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Well hope you liked my review and you should try out squidoo one day cos it is easier than using a blog.
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