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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Exclusive Crackdown Video

From IGN, sorry should have made that clear in the title... heh heh.

(vid via me)

"With Crackdown on the way, gamers will soon have another way to decimate a city, this time with all of the powers of a typical guy. A typical guy with superpowers, that is."

"In this latest look we get at Crackdown, we see one of the many ways to put that superhuman strength to good use. The hero of Crackdown doesn't need to sling webs or fly to make it across the city quickly. Instead, he'll just jump from building to building without worrying about what happens if he should come up a little bit short of that next ledge. In fact, the video shows what happens if he misjudges the next gap. Window sills make nice handholds for the quick leap back up to the rooftops."

"While the rooftop hopping may be the focus of the video, we're more impressed with how smooth it looks. The hand waving animations seen while the agent soars over streets are just cartoonish and stylized enough to match the overall feel of the world. Instead of going with the approaching classic thugsploitation style of sandbox games, Crackdown is taking the genre in a whole new direction in terms of style."

That was also from IGN. What do I think? Hmmmm... Oh no! I've got to go the penguins just exploded!

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