Monday, August 21, 2006
Armored Core 4 For PS3 and Xbox 360
God is Force Trailer
(vid via me)
Details are slim on Armored Core 4, but it will be released for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. Armored Core 4 according to IGN "has been revered since its debut on the original PlayStation by hardcore tuner-bot fans, so followers should be happy to note that Armored isn't going anywhere in the next generation."
While I was looking for info on this game I kept seeing Release Date "TBA", but at the end of this video it say "2006.11", that looks like a release date to me.
CrispAds Blog Ads(vid via me)
Details are slim on Armored Core 4, but it will be released for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. Armored Core 4 according to IGN "has been revered since its debut on the original PlayStation by hardcore tuner-bot fans, so followers should be happy to note that Armored isn't going anywhere in the next generation."
While I was looking for info on this game I kept seeing Release Date "TBA", but at the end of this video it say "2006.11", that looks like a release date to me.